Monday, December 6, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Fallen Behind, Part 2
Are you ready? Here we go. In May, my little Jackie turned seven. Next year, he will be baptisted. I just got real old real fast.

Every good thing must come to an end. In August, the boys returned to school. Here they are on the first day of school. I think Matthew is pleading not to have to go.
At the end of the school year, Matthew had a party at his school. Down here in the South, we start early training them for NASCAR.
As soon as school got out, Jacob and Matthew took swimming lessons. They both received certificates of completion. I thought that after swimming lesson they knew how to swim. No need for floaties. That is not the case.
At the end of the summer, we took a mini vacation with the boys to Galveston. While we were there we went to the beach, of course. We just forgot to put them in their swimming suits. If you can't tell, they are both soaking wet. They had a blast. I think Jacob found a teasure.
Since vacations are kind of expensive, the boys and I work a day on an off-shore oil rig. We managed to not blow the rig up. :)
Every good thing must come to an end. In August, the boys returned to school. Here they are on the first day of school. I think Matthew is pleading not to have to go.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Fallen Behind, Part 1
Time flies when you are having fun. It has been awhile since we last posted. Here are the kids in their Christmas outfits.
Soon after Christmas is Matthew's birthday. They grow up fast. He is already four. Here he is blowing out his birthday candle, scraps and all. Boys are always hurting themselves.
After Matthew's birthday comes Easter. Here are the kids in their Easter outfits. Is it too much to ask to have the kids look at the camera? :) That reminds me I still need to get through April's General Conference talks before October's General Conference.
Of course with Easter comes egg hunting. Lilly also participated in the festivities.We have made it to April. Only five more months to cover. Stay tuned as we relive 2010 at an alarming rate.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Snowy Hallows
Madison decided to grow some fangs for Halloween, so we decided to dress her up as a vampire fairy. Jacob and Matthew were Stars Wars clone troopers.
This year for Halloween we decided to do something different. We went to a Fall Festival at Matthew's school. They had pony rides, an inflatable obstacle course, an inflatable bouncer, a hay ride, snow cones, cotton candy, and chili dogs. The kids had a great time. Gabby and I enjoyed ourselves too. As long as Matthew go to this school, we may continue going to the Fall Festival for Halloween.
At the beginning of December, we got snow. As a result, the boys got a Snow Day. Jacob built a snowman. It had pepperonies for eyes and a piece of asparugus for a nose.
Matthew and Madison also enjoyed the snow.
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